Welcome To My Blog

‘Lifting weights will give you a manly physique’

‘This brand new tea will help you lose 10 pounds’

‘Too much broccoli can give you cancer!’

I’m sure many people, such as myself, are completely sick to death of the media’s portrayal of women’s health and fitness. We are bombarded with fashionable new foods many people struggle to pronounce, recipes containing ingredients found only in the Himalayan mountains, bikini bums that would make Beyoncé jealous and workouts that promise to get rid of your love handles quicker than you ate that ‘share-size’ chocolate bar to yourself.

So really, this blog is just me trying to cut through the myths of the health and fitness world whilst giving you an insight to my lifestyle. I am not trained in nutrition, or fitness but these are just the things that have worked for me which I’ve found through trial and error.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and if there’s anything you’d like to see please leave me a comment!

Dionne x