The Truth About Fruit Smoothies

For the past few years I have stayed well away from fruit smoothies. Why? Well you only have to look at the sugar contents to realise that fruit smoothies are absolutely full of sugar. However as I have become more interested in veganism (is that a word?) and plant-based-diets, I have noticed that a huge proportion of a plant-based diet is made up of fruit, and very sweet foods such as dates. At first I was quick to turn my nose up at this, thinking “god I can’t believe they would eat all this sugar”. Meanwhile I was more than happy to sip on my pint of Diet Coke, which whilst being calorie and sugar free, contained more chemicals than I would even attempt to name. So…all this got me thinking and I decided to have a proper look into fruit and fruit smoothies and see if they really were as bad for me as I thought.



  • Fructose is the name of the main carbohydrate in fruit. Humans don’t actually produce fructose and the liver is the only organ that can metabolize fructose in significant amounts.
  • When people start to eat a diet that is high in calories and high in fructose, the liver gets overloaded and starts turning the fructose into fat.
  • Although some fructose is derived from fruit, a lot of fructose consumed in the diet is derived from sucrose, which we know as sugar.
  • This is because sucrose consists of 50% fructose and 50% glucose.
  • Sweet foods such as desserts, cakes, chocolate and other confectionery, and sweetened beverages such as carbonated soft drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice and so on, contain large quantities of added fructose


  • A lot of shop bought smoothies, whilst containing whole foods, also contain other things to sweeten them up and make them taste nicer.
  • You may often see that they use a fruit juice, normally apple, or use other ‘natural ingredients’ such as honey.


  • This is where it all goes wrong, the ‘fruit juice’ they are using, is basically glorified sugary water, not the juice of an actual fruit; and due to the nature of mass production, the honey they are using will most likely be cheap and contain added sweeteners and sugars.
  • THIS is what makes the smoothie unhealthy, NOT the naturally occurring fructose from the fruit.
  • If you are trying to loose weight or don’t lead a very active lifestyle, if you don’t use up the fructose you are consuming in fruit through exercise, it will be stored as fat and you will gain weight.
  • Fruit is reasonably calorific compared to vegetables, so if you are trying to loose weight I would recommend you consume 1-2 servings of fruit and 4-5 servings of vegetables.
  • Some smoothies can contain up to 5 servings of fruit, so I would stay away from them if I was trying to loose weight.


  • As I explained earlier it’s not the fruit itself that makes smoothies unhealthy, it’s all the other crap.
  • So if you are making your own smoothies and are only including fruit, or other natural bases such as almond milk, they are a really healthy and convenient way to get in your fruit!
  • In very simple terms you would have to eat a hell of a lot of fruit to even get close to a level of fructose that is dangerous. You would literally have to overdose on bananas.


  • Smoothies consisting of fruit ONLY, mixed with an unsweetened liquid or ice, are perfectly healthy.
  • Saying that, if you are on a calorie controlled diet you do get a long more bang for your buck through eating vegetables.
  • By this I mean for 100 calories you can eat one small banana, or over 300g of broccoli (not sure why anyone would want to eat that much broccoli).
  • I tend to veer towards smoothies containing vegetables such as spinach or kale, as they normally contain more fibre and nutrients!

Thank you for reading this and give it a share if you found it interesting! Leave any suggestions in the comments below and make sure to follow my IG @dionnelifts for more food and exercise ideas.


How To Eat Out And Stay On Track.

I absolutely love eating out, but when you try to maintain a ‘clean eating’ regime, eating out can seem like a challenge. But do not fear, there are plenty of ways you can go out to restaurants, eat something really tasty, but still stay on track!

However if it’s a special occasion or you’ve really been looking forward to pigging out, I say go for it! I believe there should be no such thing as restriction, so if you want to eat out and go a little crazy every now and again, as part of a balanced healthy lifestyle- go for it.

But if you’re eating out quite regularly, or do so often for convenience, it can be detrimental to ‘go crazy’ every time. I’ve put together a few meals from chain restaurants that you may find useful next time you go out for dinner and want to maintain those abs!


Just before we get onto the chain restaurants, an important thing to remember when you’re eating out anywhere, is if in doubt go for a lean meat or fish, vegetables and good carbs like brown rice, new potatoes or sweet potatoes…and try to avoid things that are fried or drowned in oil!


Pizza Express


The ‘Sounds-Healthy’ Option:

Starter: Buffalo Mozzarella and Tomato Salad…331 Cals / 9.5P / 30.3F / 5.3C

Main: Leggera Superfood Salad…453Cals / 14.0P / 27.4F / 32.6C

TOTAL: 784 calories / 23.5g protein / 57.7g fat / 37.9g carbs

The ‘Actually-Healthy’ Option:

Starter: Prosciutto Melone…124 Cals / 7.3P/ 9.2F / 3.5C

Main: Pollo ad Astra Leggera…486 Cals / 35.4P / 14.1F / 54.5C

TOTAL: 610 calories / 42.7g protein / 23.3 fat / 59g carbs

Turns out you are able to eat a pizza over a salad, still eat less calories, practically double up on protein and decrease fat by half….win win!



The ‘Sounds-Healthy’ Option:

Main: Double Chicken Wrap (Medium)… 716 Cals / 23.5F / 58.9C / 65.2P

Sides: Spicy Rice…453 Cals / 11.7F / 75.6C / 7.8P

Macho Peas… 336 Cals / 20.7F / 19.6C / 13.2P

TOTAL: 1505 calories / 86.2g protein / 55.9 fat / 154.1g carbs

The ‘Actually-Healthy’ Option:

Main: Double Chicken Pita (Medium)… 505 Cals / 8.1gF / 42.2C / 63.1P

Sides: Corn… 288 Cals/ 5F / 44C / 11P

Sweet Potato Wedges… 332 Cals/ 14.8F / 46.2C / 8.6P

TOTAL: 1125 calories / 82.7g protein / 27.9 fat / 132.4 carbs

The healthier option here is still pretty calorific, however it is a lot more substantial than a salad, and it is full of protein- keeping you nice and full! I would only recommend this as part of an active training regime.



The ‘Sounds-Healthy’ Option:

Main: Teriyaki Salmon Soba… 803 Cals / 45.3P / 68C / 37.5F

Starter/Side: Duck Lettuce Wrap….339 Cals / 15.3P / 1.9C / 67.4F

TOTAL: 1142 calories / 60.6g protein / 55.9 fat / 69.9g carbs

The ‘Actually-Healthy’ Option:

Main: Chilli Sirloin Steak Ramen… 665 cals/ 68P / 79.2C / 10.6F

Starter/Side: Edamame Beans…179 Cals / 13.4P / 7.4C / 6.2F

TOTAL: 844 calories / 81.4g protein / 16.8 fat / 86.6g carbs

The healthier option here is slightly higher in carbs, but has more protein and tons less fat! If you have a low fat option you can afford to eat more carbs.
