Epic Vegan Protein Pancake Recipie

Hey guys! Today I want to share with you my go-to recipe for protein pancakes. I normally eat these for lunch as I love my savory breakfasts too much, but for anyone with a sweet tooth these are ideal. 


  • 20g Oat Flour (I use rolled oats and stick them in a blender or a chopper to make them really fine)
  • 20g Coconut Flour (You can also just finely blend coconut meat)
  • 1 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
  • 1 Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 Egg OR Half A Banana (Vegan)
  • About 300ml Coconut/Almond Milk
  • 25g Protein Powder- (I use Pure Blend Co Acai Berry, Blueberry & Camu Camu) This particular flavor is not vegan, but they do stock a vegan range.

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  • Pop all the ingredients into a blender and whizz together.
  • Add coconut milk until you achieve the right consistency- not too thick, not too watery.
  • Cook your pancakes in a non-stick frying pan using coconut oil, or another oil of your choice.
  • I prefer to make smaller pancakes as they are easier to flip.
  • Once they are ready, stack them up and add your toppings.


  • I topped mine with sprinkles, blueberries, strawberries.
  • I finished by drizzling over Sweet Freedom Choc Shot (Vegan)

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Macros: 395 Cals/ 35P / 35C / 15 Fibre/ 15 F

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Thank you for reading this and give it a share if you found it interesting! Leave any suggestions in the comments below and make sure to follow my IG @dionnelifts for more food and exercise ideas.