Pure Blend Co. Protein Powder Review

Hey guys! Today I thought I would do something a little different and review a protein powder that I recently tried. I absolutely hate trying new protein powders, because unless you get a sample, you have to buy a huge quantity and spend loads of money and yeah yeah yeah….basically I can’t commit to that shit. So I thought this review may help any other indecisive people out there!

I discovered this amazing brand on Instagram, who very kindly offered to send me a free sample of their protein powder to try. I did ask to try a product from their vegan range, but unfortunately they had run out. Instead they sent me one of their most popular flavors – Acai Berry, Blueberry and Camu Camu Whey.



  • With almost 21g protein per 25g serving, the blend is extremely high protein.
  • Aside from protein, the blend is very low in most things, including calories, carbohydrates and fat.

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  • This product is made from NOTHING artificial.. which is super rare for a supplement.
  • Instead of being made from whey liquid (the by-product in the cheese making process), the protein is produced directly from skimmed milk.
  • I haven’t actually been consuming milk at all recently, but the company assured me that the milk they use comes from grass-fed cows who roam outside pretty much all the time.
  • Most other proteins undergo heat treatment to remove bacteria from the whey liquid, however this also destroys the vital amino acids. This protein goes through a cold process instead which does not destroy the amino acids.
  • Aside from providing a source of protein, the superfoods in the blend have their own health benefits including protecting your heart, lowering cholesterol and aiding weight loss.


  • The only thing which may let the product down is the lack of flavour, which was of course to be expected in a product with no artificial colors or flavorings.
  • This didn’t bother me too much as I mainly added it to pancakes or smoothies, but if you wanted to drink it on it’s own with water I can’t imagine it would taste of much.

If you fancied giving the blend a try check out thier IG page or message info@pureblendco.com

Thank you for reading this and give it a share if you found it interesting! Leave any suggestions in the comments below and make sure to follow my IG @dionnelifts for more food and exercise ideas.

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