Why You Should Ditch ‘Back, Bi’s and Tri’s’.

I was training bench press with my flatmate the other day when he asked what I was training afterwards. The look of shock on his face when I replied with ‘split squats and lunges’, almost as if it is incomprehensible to train two different muscle groups on…wait for it…the same day.

But why is it that people seem to favour the ‘bodybuilding’ way of isolated training over more traditional varied training with compound movements. Opting for ‘back, bi’s and tri’s’ over the big three- deadlifts, squats and bench press.

What is isolated training?

Isolated movements are movements which place emphasis on a single muscle, for example a ‘bicep curl’. When isolated training, you may choose to dedicate one training session to back, one to glutes and one to legs. 

What are compound movements?

In contrast, a compound movement is  any exercise that engages two or more different joints to fully stimulate entire muscle groups and, indeed, multiple muscles, for example ‘deadlifts’.

What is varied training?

*Please note: I coined this phrase myself because it seemed the best way to describe the type of training, it is in no way an ‘official term’.

Varied training is where you choose to train different muscle groups on the same day. For example on ‘squat day’-where I work my entire lower body- I will finish with some conditioning to target my back and shoulders. 

So, which trumps the other?

Isolated training, as aforementioned, is ideal for bodybuilders as it allows you to really sculpt and tweak your body. However, for your average-Joe gym go-er looking to make significant muscle gains or lose body fat, varied training and compound movements are more suitable.


#1- Reduced time in the gym

If you are wanting to target each individual muscle group effectively you will probably have to spend at least 5 days in the gym. I personally, only train a maximum of 4 days a week, and that normally includes just 1 day of abs and stretching.

#2- Reduced risk of over training

You will see countless memes on the internet showing crippled men with the caption ‘leg day’.


People claiming they ‘can’t walk’ or ‘can’t drive’. If you train effectively this should not be happening after your sessions. I train heavy legs twice a week, but because I spread it out over 2 days and train other body parts on these days, I am able to deadlift heavy one day, and squat heavy two days later.

#3- More Bang For Your Buck

If I can spend time doing one exercise which is going to target several muscle groups effectively, I would much prefer to do this, opposed to an isolated exercise.

Take a bench press verses a tricep kickback.

The bench press is going to work your pec muscles, your triceps, and your deltoids, with your biceps acting as a dynamic stabiliser. The kickback will pretty much only target your triceps. Not only will compound exercises target the greatest portion of muscle fibres, they will also cause the greatest release of anabolic hormones in the body.

#4- Create a More Balanced Physique 

When isolated training, many people end up training upper body on multiple days and only dedicating one day to training legs. This can lead to an imbalance ie. you look like a lollipop.

leg day

Examples of Compound Movementscompound movements

As shown above, compound movements include deadlifts, squat, benchpress, military press, lunges, split squats, pull-up’s and chin up’s.

THE WINNING FORMULA: Focus on compound movements (6-8 sets) and use isolated movements for conditioning (3-4 sets)- making sure to use both your upper body and lower body each session.

I hope this blog post was useful, I know a lot of people favour isolated training and if it works for you, great! I personally favour a more varied type of training and find it works better for me.

As ever if you have any post requests, leave me a comment or hit me up on instagram @dionnelifts.

Bye for now X


Toned Tummys and Tiny Waists.

Summer may seem like a lifetime away as you layer up three jumpers, but trust me, you don’t want to leave it until you are in a Christmas Pudding induced-food-coma to start thinking about getting that bikini body.

In this post I am going to focus on how to feel the extra burn from your ab routine, and how to use use your workouts to sculpt the perfect physique.


You can have super-strong ab muscles, but if they are hiding underneath a layer of fat you will never see any definition. To have a visible six-pack, for women you must be at around 12-14% body fat, and for men around 8-9%. However if you want a slightly softer look you will see some definition for women at around 18-20% body fat. I would highly recommend HIIT or Tabata training for fat burning (I will cover these in more detail on a separate post)



Whilst gaining muscle mass from weights is highly desirable for arms, shoulders, back, legs and glutes. The waist is something, that I personally, like to keep small. Using heavier weights in your ab workouts can lead to a bulkier slightly less feminine looking waist. I use weights up to 5kg in my ab workout, if you are doing the exercises correctly there is no need to use very heavy weights.


It is extremely important that during all ab exercises your stomach is held in and your core is tight. When you become fatigued from an excercise it is easy to disengage your core and let your back take over, or use your hands to pull up your neck. This will only cause injury and will have no benefit on your abs at all. So make sure for every excercise you are squeezing the abs really tights.


Whilst your rectus abdominis works as a whole and you can’t contract each section independently, there are exercises where the upper portion of your abs contracts harder than the lower portion, or vice-versa.

The ‘LOWER-AB’ section can be a tricky section to work. These are two of my favourite exercises.



Make sure as your legs come down you don’t relax your core and let your back take over. The slower and more controlled the better.


lyingKeep your legs straight and take your legs up to 90 degrees, pulsing on the way down for an extra burn.

To achieve the overall toned stomach it is important to work the OBLIQUE muscles as well.



These can be done using a plate or medicine ball. For an advanced version keep your feet a couple of inches off the floor.



Make sure to fully extend your leg and hold each crunch for a second, whilst squeezing your core.


It is common misconception that higher volume= a better workout. I can guarantee that ten slow, controlled reps will be more challenging that twenty fast reps. When completing a slow rep you are able to focus on form and make sure your core is fully engaged.

I hope these tips were useful in enhancing your ab routine. For some great ab workouts check out backonpointe, fitnessblender or the Nike Training App.

Bye for now X

10 Exercises to Build a Booty.

With the massive growth of fitspo on social media there are tons of images online urging girls to get building a perfect peach. You may glance at these and sigh wishing you were the love child of Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé. But newsflash, glutes are a muscle, and muscles can be built and sculpted regardless of genetics.


First thing’s first, food.

Just like any muscle group the glutes need to be fed with protein and carbs- yes that’s right, carbs. Contrary to the media preaching carbs are the devil, carbs in fact have a huge part to play in building lean muscle.

To be building muscle you need to be eating at a calorie surplus (more than your TDEE) or at least your TDEE if you are wanting to lose fat and gain muscle.

To work out your TDEE (amount of calories you must eat to maintain weight) head over to IIFYM.

Now for the fun part, booty building exercises.

Squats and deadlifts are great for building up glutes, however whilst completing these exercises you are also working your quads, hamstrings, lower back etc.

To really build your glutes it is SO important to do exercises which really activate and isolate the glutes. Personally I would avoid doing body weight exercises unless it is for a warm up or superset. If you are worried about heading into the weights room (not that you need to be) you can use light dumbbells in place of barbells.

I have seen a ton of these online from some of my favourite YouTube channels Robin Gallant and Heidi Somers and others so I will put some of my favourites here!

  1. Barbell Hip Thrust

Barbell_Hip_Thrust_Progression (1)Squats_Unconventional_Booty_Builders_Diet_Break_Mini_Series_Ep2 (2)

This exercise is very simple. Using either the leg extension machine, or barbell, thrust upwards using your hips, keeping your back straight and squeezing your glutes at the top.

2. Abductor Squat


Pretty straightforward, squat down whilst pushing out with legs and keeping your core held tight (and trying not to look like a porn star).

3. Bulgarian Split Squat


These can be done using a barbell, smith machine or using dumbells in each hand. Place one leg on a bench behind and lunge keeping your back straight.

4. Sideways Leg Press


Again, this is a very straight forward exercise which targets the outer glutes creating a nice round booty *heart eye emoji*.

5. Cable Kickback


Place one leg onto a step and hold onto the cable machine. Attach the strap to your ankle and kick your leg backwards.

6. Smith Machine Donkey Kick


Bend down on a bench and place the bar level with your foot. Kick your leg back and upwards in a donkey kick motion.

7. Romanian Deadlift


Similar to a normal deadlift, keep your legs straight-ish (not locked out but not fully bent) and drop the weight to your ankles really pushing your glutes out and keeping your chest up.

8. Barbell Lunge


As easy as it sounds, lunge backwards alternating each leg. Again, you can use a barbell or the smith machine.

9. Barbell Curtsey Lunge


Using a barbell or the smith machine, hold the bar on your back and simply place one leg behind the other in a curtsy movement.

10. Assisted Pull Up Machine Push Downs (?)

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That long-winded title is the last way I could describe this last exercise. Simply push down on the machine with your leg and *voila*

Hope you enjoyed this post or at least found it helpful. As I said none of this will be new to anyone but I just wanted to put all the great stuff I’d seen other people post into one place! Next post will be on eating clean at university. Bye for now X